The Bad News...
The purpose of Drama Club at Hopewell Jr. High is to provide students with the experience of theatre and help build their skills in the areas of acting and improvisation. Each spring, the Drama Club is responsible for producing a Jr. High musical, which is open to all students in Grades 6 to 8. Unfortunately, this means the 5th Grade students will have to wait another year before they can be involved in the show.
The Good News...
Luckily, we have a way for 5th Graders to still be involved in Drama, and to grow their skills in anticipation for future opportunities! Mr. Toporski is offering Drama Club activities once a week during Study Hall for any interested 5th Grade students. During these “Friday Fun Days,” they will explore basic acting techniques, improvisation, pantomime, and other drama skills.
Q. Do students need to sign up for the Drama Club’s 5th Grade Friday Fun Days?
A. Yes, a weekly sign-up sheet will be posted for students wishing to participate that Friday. This will be copied to all 5th Grade teachers for tracking/safety purposes.
Q. What if a student needs to make up work that day for an academic class?
A. Academics take priority over Drama Club activities. The 5th Grade teaching staff will hold in Study Hall any students who need to make up assignments or receive extra help.
Q. What do students get out of the Drama Club experience?
A. They get to enjoy the world of theatre, as well as learn important life skills, such as public speaking, creative thinking, and positive collaboration. This will also prepare them for the Jr. High Spring Musical when they get into 6th Grade!
A. Yes, a weekly sign-up sheet will be posted for students wishing to participate that Friday. This will be copied to all 5th Grade teachers for tracking/safety purposes.
Q. What if a student needs to make up work that day for an academic class?
A. Academics take priority over Drama Club activities. The 5th Grade teaching staff will hold in Study Hall any students who need to make up assignments or receive extra help.
Q. What do students get out of the Drama Club experience?
A. They get to enjoy the world of theatre, as well as learn important life skills, such as public speaking, creative thinking, and positive collaboration. This will also prepare them for the Jr. High Spring Musical when they get into 6th Grade!